Tuesday, June 9, 2009

June gloom and still the sun shines through!

June Gloom is in full effect ya'll...can't stop the sun from shining through though and a great hope and love for the future.

This just in!

Living Love Foundation will be walking on over to Long Beach within the year...moving headquarters...living and growing in a culturally diverse, very aware and pretty hip part of Southern California.

Long Beach, its government organizations, grassroots communities and children have shown Living Love Foundation and it's programs, especially Home is Where The Art Is, our program for homeless children and their families, alot of love. We're gonna follow that and head out as soon as we find a home for our great and lovely organization.

Change is the wind...yes indeed. New people, new places, new port...:-)

I guess that means we'll be doing classes in San Diego soon since it's so close...I have to remember to think big, but manageable...San Diego's not that far right?

Ciao Ya'll

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